Judge Jim
There is only one issue to be determined in the Florida imbroglio:
does the Florida Supreme Court have the right to rule on the legitimacy
and efficacy of election law after an election or during an election
The issue is stickier than both sides realize.
First, let all reasonable men and women agree: Florida election law
is deeply flawed. It seems wholly unreasonable to demand certification
of ballots within seven days of those votes being cast (Section 102.111
and Section 102.112 of the Florida Election Code), while also allowing
for manual recounts (Section 102.166). Perhaps the Florida legislators
did not foresee the degree of litigation and picayune dispute that
can cause manual recounts to drag on for weeks, as the recounts have
in several Florida counties. If they did foresee the possibility of
contested manual counts dragging on past the seven-day deadline, then
there is meaning in the more recent Florida Election Code provision
that says late returns "may be ignored." The key word here
is "may." Certainly a reasonable court would not seek to
disenfranchise voters because a manual recount is taking longer than
the week allotted. It is certainly reasonable to expect, given the
size of some Florida counties, that even if a manual recount started
on Election Day it could not possibly be completed within the week
allotted. And, if there were not only legal challenges, but ballot-by-ballot
challenges during the recount, the process could take much longer.
It seems that the job of the Florida Secretary of State is to determine
if manual recounts were delayed because of the size of the count,
fraud, and/or significant legal challenges, as well as acts of God
as so currently stated. If any of these factors be true, it should
be incumbent upon the Secretary of State to allow their late arrival.
If the vote delay is based on specious grounds, she should have the
right to ignore those votes. Clearly the latter is not the case here.
The question then remains: if the Secretary of State acts unreasonably
in denying the late arrival of manual recounts in violation of the
above principles, what remedies should be allowed, if any?
In favor of judicial intervention it might be argued that issues of
election canvassing only arise after an election. To deny the Florida
courts a remedy, to require strict adherence to pre-election statues
that are either vague or ineffective in practice, or open to misinterpretation
or capricious discretion, is to diminish the rights of voters, giving
them no remedies in the current election, but only vague future remedies,
contingent largely on legislative action that would have no bearing
on the current contest.
On the other hand, if judicial intervention is allowed it would set
a precedent for judicial intervention in every close future election,
suggesting the question--When is election law sacrosanct, if ever?
Would every single election law be open to scrutiny "ex-post-election?"
The ultimate remedy seems clear: the Florida legislature needs to
more clearly delineate the standards by which late ballots are accepted
to include the possibility of legal disputes and vote-by-vote challenges.
Without this safeguard, all one party has to do is contest a recount
vote by vote and engage in a series of time-consuming legal disputes,
with the effect of pushing the recount past the seven-day deadline.
This has clearly been the strategy of the Bush team in Florida. Any
possible means of delay, including outright intimidation of canvassing
boards, as happened in Miami-Dade, have been employed to delay or
suspend recounts. The net effect has been to delay resolution, which
contradicts the Bush team's stated aim of finding quick closure.
A further reform would be to make the oversight of elections a completely
non-partisan function. The way to do this would be to add an opposing
party overseer to counterbalance the Secretary of State. At the very
least, there needs to be a severe diminishing of the Secretary of
State's discretion in these matters.
Still, the question remains: should a court have a right to intervene
in bad or vague election law? Should a court have the power to force
the Secretary of State's hand? To force the acceptance of further
The answer is clearly yes. The sacrosanct goal of any election is
that every legitimate voter's voice be heard. If the actions of the
Secretary of State, or, now perhaps in the case of the Florida legislature,
are such that they invalidate legitimate votes, cast on time, and
in all ways correct according to Florida election law, then it is
not only the right but the duty of the Florida courts, as the recourse
of last resort for the people's rights in this matter, to intervene
on the people's behalf. With this caveat in the case before us: not
to force the recount of all votes in the counties in dispute, but
only those votes which are directly in dispute. Such a limited manual
recount could be done expeditiously and fairly, insuring that all
the people's votes have been heard. The results of this court-mandated
recount would be final, and would supersede any action of a recalcitrant
legislature to appoint electors that do not reflect the results of
such a recount.
Two laws make the standard clear in this regard. Article II, Section
I, Clause 2 of the US Constitution unequivocally states that "Each
state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may
direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators
and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress;
but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust
or profit under the United States shall be appointed an Elector."
The key phrase here is "in such manner as the legislature thereof
may direct." That manner has been, according to Florida election
code, for electors to be determined by the results of the popular
vote. If the results of the popular vote remains in legal dispute,
if the authority of a Secretary of State to deny late manual recounts
is in legal dispute, even if she has certified the state's existing
popular vote, then the results of the popular vote have not been ascertained
with absolute and final certainty. If the Florida legislature unilaterally
acts before this final determination is made, it is in violation of
the very manner of picking electors it itself has decreed. Since final
determination of the popular vote is contingent on rulings of the
Florida and US Supreme courts, even by the standard of Article II,
Section I, Clause 2 of the US Constitution the Florida legislature
is beholden to the judicial branch in this matter.
Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 5, of the US Code further clarifies the
court's power in light of election disputes: "If any state shall
have provided, by laws enacted prior to the day fixed for the appointment
of the electors, for its final determination of any controversy or
contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of
such state, by judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination
shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the
meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to such
law so existing on said day, and made at least six days prior to said
time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive, and shall govern
in the counting of the elector votes as provided in the Constitution,
and as hereinafter regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors
appointed by such state is concerned."
Clearly our Founding Fathers did not intend to delineate remedies
for every possible exigency. It remains for the three branches of
government to make those calls. There is ample precedent, including
acts of the Florida legislature, that it is the judicial branch which
is the branch of final recourse in matters of election law, as in
most laws (Article III section 2 of the US Constitution), even if
this means "reinterpreting" election law to provide immediate
remedy to disenfranchised voters in a given election (of which there
are dozens of precedents). As the Founding Fathers would agree, and
is made clear throughout "The Federalist Papers," and in
particular Federalist Paper No. 68 (a document that might be construed
to favor the Bush position in the current matter), "the sense
of the people" is the paramount concern in all matters great
and small, and no more so than in elections. As the popular vote de
facto determines the "will of the electors" in Florida,
it is critical that all the votes of Florida voters be counted. If
the Supreme Court of the United States and the Florida Supreme Court
decide that the "the sense of the people" has not been denied
in this election, and that further recounts are not necessary, I would
urge that Vice President Gore accept those results. And I would urge
Florida legislators to quickly clarify and amend their election law
so that such future disputes are unlikely to happen. On the other
hand, if the courts rule that late manual recounts are to be counted,
and Mr. Gore is declared a winner as a result, I urge Governor Bush
to accept the people's verdict as final.
Yes, the fate of the 2000 Presidential election is, for better or
worse, in the hands of the courts. And that is precisely as it should