of State James Rubin Shares the Secret of His Success.
March, 1999
Meet James Rubin: State Department Spokesperson, arms control
expert, aide and confidante to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,
husband of CNN foreign affairs correspondent, Christiane Amanpour.
Shortly after a morning press briefing, we catch Mr. Rubin in his
neat warm office, which, like Rubin, is in striking contrast to the
State Department's sterile exterior, and its hospital-like corridors.
Handsome, tall, smart, with a glint in his eyes and a playful smile
on his lips, Jamie Rubin is in command here, excited to be the subject
of our profile, generous with the details of his life, but cognizant
of the ways and needs of the press. It's his job to stay abreast of
those ways and needs, and to be helpful while ever mindful of the
policy directives of his boss and his "boss's boss," the
President of the United States.
His allegiance to two masters, his own love of the spotlight, his
assured command of his personal image all persuasively come together
in that suave, poised, incredibly ERECT Rubin swagger, which says,
in so many words, "There's war in the Balkans, troubles in Iraq,
but, gentlemen, isn't it a fine thing to be alive, filled with purpose
and the vigor of youth, the promise of the future, damn fine thing
indeed." Rubin's demeanor says gusto, confidence, peacock pride.
A master of his universe, doing noble work in style. The peripatetic
wife was home last night. "Indeed, gentlemen, indeed. Life could not
be better."
We half expect Mr. Rubin to whip out a fine Cuban cigar and a glass
a sherry and toast us one and all. But these are different times.
Abstemious times. And while Jamie Rubin's enthusiasm bubbles over,
he must be ever mindful of public reaction. Like many in Washington,
he stakes out his rebellion in small gestures--a snazzy tie, a pack
of smokes. The latter gesture lends a hoarse gravity to his beautiful
boyish facade. When Jamie gives his daily press briefings you can
sense his physical discomfort, as if the nicotine is choking away
the youth. By design. Without that habit, the voice would be too high,
the dismissive air wouldn't play. Rubin would be another Stephanopoulos--a
young, bright, Clinton "kid," with a Columbia degree, and a sweet
smile, eaten by the Washington wolves.
But James Rubin will not go into that dark night. Though he has stumbled,
he is determined not to fall. He's a player, not a victim. We like
Mr. Rubin--a kind of Jewish John-John, with the same bourgeois conceits,
but smarter, wilier, with less of a pedigree, but more of a purpose.
And so we begin, periodically interrupted by calls from wife Christiane,
the subtext of our interview. They met in the Balkans. No Casablanca
as far as war-time romantic backdrops go, but it's what was available
in the late 1990's. And, as this article goes to press, it is what
is dominating the international news.
MONK: People have said you were the most wanted eligible bachelor
in D.C., and then you got the girl. How did that happen?
JAMIE RUBIN: It's hard to know what the features are that attract
the opposite sex. I know I am attracted to women who do interesting
things, who don't want to just sit around the house, who are good
looking, who are funny and who share a sense of humor. Clearly, being
very visible through the State Department, being on television, being
known, creates a certain appeal in our culture. Being known is almost
as important as being rich. Now, I don't have any money, so in the
old days someone who could attract women if they were rich has been
translated to the attraction of being known. So to that extent, I
gained attractiveness by being known. I make a government salary.
I was single. I didn't have much time for a personal life, so I spent
my money, to the extent that we make money in government, on clothes
and restaurants. That's it. I have very little furniture. When my
wife came and saw my apartment, she threw out everything and declared
it post-college issue Ikea. It all went. So I spent money on clothes.
In Washington it is not common for men, or women for that matter,
to be very focused on their clothes. And I, because of my job, wore
nice clothes. So people wrote that I was well-dressed. You put all
that together and I guess I became known as an eligible bachelor.
Plus, I do think that women are attracted to people who have interesting
jobs. If you're in an interesting job and if you're doing something
that matters to you and is important and isn't based on some crass,
commercialistic value, I think that's attractive. Now, I was attracted
to the same kind of person, who was in an exciting field; had shown
her toughness on issues that I cared about. I think we developed an
intellectual, emotional bond over the subject of Bosnia. Because when
I worked for the then-Ambassador to the U.N., I was very passionate
about American involvement to resolve the siege of Sarajevo and the
war in Bosnia and that was what she was telling the world about. So
even before we knew each other, we had a bond.
M: Can you replay that moment when you and Christiane met over the
skies of Bosnia? How did that happen?
JR: Well, she was in the back of the plane covering the Secretary
of State's trip to Yugoslavia. We went to Belgrade, capital of Serbia;
Zagreb, capital of Croatia; and two cities--Sarajevo and Banja Luka--in
Bosnia. So in the back of the plane there are the journalists who
cover the Secretary. I think the Secretary was coming back to greet
the journalists, and I was with her. There was a moment when somebody
spilled their popcorn and I went down to fill it up and we looked
at each other. Then later that night I asked her to go out for a drink.
It was very late, 2:00 a.m. in the morning. I had taken my suit off
and put on a black leather jacket and jeans. She cracked some joke
like, 'aha, government official relaxing.' And then we drank some
margaritas and we made a point of taking each others' phone numbers.
Then I asked her out for dinner in New York City and that was the
beginning of the best thing that ever happened to me.
M: Are there any Clintonesque signals that you do while Christiane's
in the briefing room and you're up there on the podium to indicate
"I'm thinking of you, honey"?
JR: Well, it's not that simple. The question of her covering the State
Department was raised as an awkwardness that we needed to deal with.
But the fact is we don't have to deal with it because she doesn't
cover the State Department. When she's in Washington, she's not working.
What her job is, is to go out in the field and cover Iraq or Kosovo
or Tehran. She goes out and does a story about what's going on in
that country. She doesn't cover what it is the U.S. Government is
doing every day. So there really isn't that kind of interaction.
M: Is there a clear separation of church and state?
JR: First of all, on that issue, there are hundreds of men and women
who are married in this world of journalism and government. The only
reason that [Christiane] and I became a subject of conversation is
because we're more prominent. There are people who work in Congress
who are married to reporters who cover them. What I believe is our
bosses have to trust us. They have to trust us to have the integrity
to do our jobs. Her bosses trust her to cover the news without fear
of favor, and my bosses trust me to present the Administration position
as compellingly as I can. So just as a defense lawyer and a prosecutor
are married in cities all over the country, and during the day they
have to make different arguments and present different cases and do
different things on the same subject, we do it on the same subject.
There are hundreds of marriages where it's much more complex, where
the government official is not trained to be wary and to know what
signals you can send to give journalists confirmation of things, to
know how far you can talk on the record and on background. If there
were a person in the U.S. Government who was best trained to spend
time with journalists and, therefore, married to a journalist, I would
argue it's me. If there was ever somebody who was least likely to
be affected by working with, living and married to a government official,
I would put her on that end of the spectrum. She's established her
independence over a long, long period of time, whether it's in Bosnia
or Iraq or in any part of the world. I think her bosses believe that
her integrity is unquestionable. I hope mine do, too; I think they
do. She serves Ted Turner and the head of CNN. I serve the President
and the Secretary of State. I believe the President and the Secretary
of State have charged me with this because they think I'm good at
it. I do not believe that they think I would compromise my work for
them to do something for my wife.
M: One of the things we try to do as Monks is get at the spirit of
a place from a lot of different angles. If you had to list your private
Washington, D.C., not the standard tourist stuff, but stuff nobody
knows about, what would you list?
JR: I'll tell you what, we can go upstairs and you can take a picture
of where I smoke my cigarettes--since I'm not allowed to smoke in
the building--which is on the balcony of the 8th floor of the State
M: There's a hidden place.
JR: They're not hidden, but one of the things that I do in spring,
summer and fall is get on roller blades and roller blade through Rock
Creek Parkway and end up on this particular bench with all my newspapers
and my cell phone, and spend my day working on the weekend there instead
of sitting in the office. There is a restaurant called Cashione's.
It's down the street from where I live and the bartenders know me
there. I can come in and just sit at the bar with a magazine and read
while I'm eating and nobody bothers me. That's an example of that.
And there's a small group of me and my friends, we kind of get together
for dinner whenever we're all in Washington. We have what we call
"no fault dinners," which means we can say anything we want
and it doesn't leave the table. We can yell and scream about each
other and talk about our bosses in ways you can't. I think it partially
works because we're all in the government; but when I walk around
Washington, I don't have any freedom to sit at a bar and say what
I think. People know me and will quote me and use it against me. So
we used to go to this empty Korean restaurant. It was on 24th Street
across from the Hyatt over there. It closed about six months ago.
So we've been finding other places, but it's never been quite the
M: Now, I hate to cast aspersions on D.C. style, but obviously you're
a person with a greater sense of style than the average person working
in government. If you had to describe the elements of D.C. style,
what would they be?
JR: I can't do that on the record. It would be helpful. I'll try.
M: Oh, come on, that's what they need. If you had to be an image consultant
to the average government employee--
JR: Look, I think working in Washington government is not a well-paid
profession. The public has been ginned up by a variety of political
means to not want its government officials to live well or have any
of the creature comforts of people at their stage in life and capability
who have it in the private sector. If you go to Europe, a government
official who's an assistant secretary of state or something like that,
the European public expect that person to fly first class, to eat
at fine restaurants, to have a car and a driver. Now, being a different
kind of society, in America that's not okay. So guys in top level
positions don't get all those perks of office. So clothes are a symbol
of that phenomenon. If you're a government official and you're dressing
too nicely and having too much style, then wait a minute, you must
not be understanding that you're a representative of the people. Now,
I don't believe that. I don't believe that most Americans begrudge
me for spending my government salary on nice clothes or a nice car,
if I explain to them that I don't have a family and if I were in the
private sector I'd be making ten times as much money as I am in the
public sector. So with my $100,000 is it okay if I have a few nice
ties? I don't think they would have a problem with that. But if it's
presented in a very truncated way--top government official spends
thousands of dollars on suits--they don't like it. That's our money
he's spending. It's all a question of how something's presented. So
that phenomenon is what generates a lack of style or concern about
spending money on frivolous things or what are perceived to be frivolous
things like clothes.
So I probably have pushed the envelope a little bit, and I'm comfortable
with that. At some level I need my releases because I do work so hard.
M: This cognitive dissonance of we are private people, on the one
hand, yet we also work for the government, causes some of the problems
that happen in this town when you try to have a private life, yes?
JR: Well, obviously, you've got your finger on a very, very sensitive
question right now. You're asking me about my private life. Okay,
I'm a public figure. So you've chosen to insert yourself and the public
into my private life. Now, I'm the spokesman and I can't deny some
discussion of myself because I am every day the face of the U.S. Government
when the Secretary isn't speaking abroad to the rest of the world.
But journalism is partially responsible for the breaking down of the
private lives of government officials. Journalists have made the private
lives of government officials part of their investigative powers.
The investigative powers of journalism and government have increased.
I think you've asked a legitimate question, but it's a very complex
question that involves our society and how Washingtonians feel about
their private lives. It involves the extent to which journalists have
decided that if he's my elected President, then he should be subjected
to scrutiny. And how low does that go?
M: I think we've seen that. Did we go too far with Clinton?
JR: I cannot comment on that as Assistant Secretary of State.
M: Back to romance. Who are the five uber "babes" of Washington, D.C.?
Pick the ultimate women you just think are hot, smart, that meet the
criteria you established at the beginning of this interview of what,
in your mind, classifies as a great gal.
JR: I think if I answered that question it would interfere with the
smooth functioning of my marriage.
M: You're married, though. Isn't it fair game to just say, these gals
are great, but I didn't choose them?
JR: I just don't see what I would get out of answering that question
other than a heap of trouble.
M: Well, all right, put it this way. There's 2 million Monk readers
around the world that want to know, if they come to D.C. , what advice
would Jamie Rubin give them on how you get the girl?
JR: I think how you get anything in Washington is the same advice.
The more you climb the Washington ladder, the more you become appealing
to women. That's just a fact, just like it is in any city.
M: Well, that's not always true, but in this city it seems to be that
power is the aphrodisiac.
JR: Well, no, because the ladder is defined differently in other cities.
In Los Angeles or New York, there are 20 different ladders. There's
the musician ladder; there's the artistic ladder; there's the business
ladder; there's the banking ladder. In Washington, it's just that
it's one ladder; it's called government. My best advice is to develop
some issue that you're very good at, that you're interested enough
in to work really hard at, and then learn not only the substance of
that issue but the politics of that issue, the journalism of that
issue, the history of that issue and the future of it. You will quickly
find yourself special. If you're good at one of those issues, you
will find yourself being invited to the right places, being talked
to by the right journalists, being talked to by the members of Congress
and the government. And you will find yourself in a very interesting
social environment from which it's up to you to strike out and find
what you're looking for.
M: So specialization in Washington is the ticket to getting into the
bigger pool.
JR: Right, because once you're a specialist then other specialists
talk to you. They also think you might be knowledgeable about things
you don't know anything about because you're a specialist. So the
advice I give interns, I give graduate students, is that's the best
way to climb the ladder. And I believe that the more interesting you
are professionally in Washington, the more there is an attractiveness
about you.
M: So you want to pick a sexy specialization? Bosnia's not sexy.
JR: Well, you'd be surprised. That's how I found my wife.